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“Eat Well.

Be Well.

Live BEautifully."

- chef ama

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Our Mission

To Serve as an Education Resource. 

Encouraging Communities to Live Life BEautifully through the Healing Power of Food.


"Let food be thy medicine"

~ Imhotep


“I love feeding people…. nourishing and nurturing others with food. To be gifted the opportunity to do so in ways that are healing, and uplifting is EVERYTHING!”

Her former roles in service to community have been as a Chef Instructor for the AARP Foundation (Birmingham, Al.), Program and Wellness Director/Lead Gardener/Lead Chef of Urban Ministries Inc.(Birmingham, Alabama) where she successfully facilitated WE Gardens West End Community Gardens, WE Cafe  West End Community Cafe, implemented the Annual Collard Green Cook-Off & Wellness Expo, and WE Work, a life skills, workforce and development program which provided employment and holistic life skill training for young adults of the West End community.


She considers one of her life's greatest rewards to be the positive ‘feed’back she receives from the participants in the Community Food Education Sessions she facilitates and the communities she nourishes.

When she is not in service to community, she can be found at her ‘herban’ homestead growing food, cooking food and ‘living life BEautifully’.

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Chef Ama 'Ifágbàmílà'

Chef Ama ‘Ifágbàmílà’ Shambulia is a native of Los Angeles, California, where her love of food, cooking, and gardening was nurtured in her granny's kitchen and beautiful backyard flower gardens. She presently resides in Birmingham, AL. She is the owner and operator of A Beautiful Life Enterprises LLC. (ABLE) and has a passion for sharing whole food plant-based nutrition. Committed to holistic life principles as a chef, well-BEing coach, earth-worker (gardener), and ‘herban’ homesteader, she is excited to share this experience through her work as a Community Food Educator.


Chef Ama graduated from CULINARD, The Culinary Institute @ Virginia College, and IIN, The Institute of Integrative Nutrition. She continues her studies through FRN, The Food Revolution Networks Plant-Based Coaching Certification program.


Presently, Chef Ama partners with for-profit and nonprofit organizations whose missions center around 'Food and Health.' Through these partnerships, she continues to advocate for well-being and serve the community.

Her present partnerships include the National Black Food and Justice Alliance, Jones Valley Teaching Farm/Center for Food Education (Birmingham, Alabama), Community On The Rise Inc. (Birmingham, Alabama) Railroad Park Foundation, and the Get Healthy On The Railroad initiative (Birmingham, Alabama), Nature's Garden for Victory & Peace (Tuskegee, Alabama) and Diaspora to Afrika Cultural Exchange for the Arts & Sciences (Nigeria, West Afrika). 

Chef Ama (Iyá Ifágbàmílà Bámigbálà-Arẹ̀sà) is a graduate of the Ifa-Orisa Training & Development Academy and is presently continuing her studies of Traditional African Spirituality in the United States and Nigeria, West Afrika.



Community Food Education Sessions (CFES)

Food-Focused Well-BEing sessions where participants experience and learn the basics of healthy eating.


Our approach when engaging communities around food/food choice is culturally sensitive, holistic, thoughtful, and considers the communities we serve food access, age, economics, and lifestyle.


Class capacity (10 - 100 persons)


Personalized Whole Food Plant Based Well-BEing Coaching.


Our approach when engaging individuals around food/food choice is culturally sensitive, holistic, thoughtful, and considers the individual's food accessibility, age, economics, and lifestyle.


Whole Food Plant-based catering tailored to the food focus and specific nourishment needs of the client.


Our approach when serving clients is to provide a ‘beautiful’ experience using quality, natural (farm fresh & organic)

seasonal ingredients.


Small Event Catering (10 - 50 persons).



 Chef Ama partners with for-profit and nonprofit organizations whose missions center around  'Food and Health.'

Through these partnerships, she continues to advocate for well-being and be in service to the community.

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House of the Beloved, Herban Homestead, Healing Gardens & Teaching Kitchen

Photos by Chef Ama 'Ifágbàmílà' Shambulia


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Your approach to soul food cooking was delicious, satisfying, and educates me on alternative menus.


My life is healthier because you continue to share your wealth of experience and knowledge.

— (CFES) Community Food Education

Session participant

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Chef Ama’s


Greens Salad

Prep Time: 20 Minutes/Serves: 6 – 8


1 Bunch of Fresh Greens choice (Collards, Kale, Mustards, Swiss Chard, etc.

- washed, dried, and thinly sliced)

1 Rib Celery (thinly sliced)

1 Small Red Onion or Shallot (finely diced)

1 Garlic Clove (minced)

1 Cayenne Chili (minced)

1 Teaspoon Fresh Thyme Leaves or ¼ teaspoon Dried Thyme Leaves

½ Cup Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice

½ Cup Braggs Liquid Aminos or Soy Sauce

¼ Cup Olive Oil


1. Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl

2. Serve immediately as a side salad or as an accompaniment


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